
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Family Camp-Out!

This weekend brought us to a place we've never been, in an situation we've never been in before. We went for a Heinbuch family camping trip. We picked up the boys from Grandma & Grandpa's in Rocky Mountain House, and we all drove together to Manitou Beach, Saskatchewan to camp for Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Pete's sister Sarah and her husband Shaun and their dogs came up, and Pete's grandma and his brother Dave and wife Rachel came up from Wisconsin and met us there, too. Not only was it our first BIG road-trip (10 hours driving there from Rocky), but it was also our first experience camping. Here's our home away from home. It fit us really well - lots of room and we could even stand up on the inside, too.
We set up in the cold and rain, but once we got settled, it didn't really matter. We had such a great time with everyone. More pics to follow!

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