
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Things I'm Not Supposed To Hear

Now that Zack is getting a bit older, he's in the "I'm the big brother so do what I say" phase right now. He often tells Nathan to do things for him, but only when I'm out of earshot. Last week the boys were playing at my mom's and while mom and I were upstairs making lunch, I heard Zack in the basement say, "Nathan, if you don't get me a kleenex, I'm going to punch you in the eye." Needless to say, Zack was called upstairs immediately and right away made sure to let me know that he "wasn't gonna really hit him." Hmmmm...

Yesterday, the boys were playing with Lego (surprise!) and I was cooking supper. I leaned around the corner to see Zack poised to whack Nathan on the back of the head. I asked, "Zack, are you going to hit Nathan?" Zack quickly answered, "No mommy, Nathan's hands are busy, so I'm going to give him a high five on his head." Again I say, hmmmmm...

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