
Monday, November 2, 2009


I finally uploaded more pics off the camera, so here's some random shots of the recent goings-on in the Heinbuch house!
Zack and Nathan spend a great deal of time drawing at the kitchen table - making cards for everyone they know is what they do the most (probably something to do with me doing that too!).
Above: Zack drawing a police chase, the police car of course is making the siren sound, while the car being chased is yelling, "Aaaaah!" Love it.
Below: Nathan's first ever attempt at drawing letters - the ones in his name! Not bad for his first try!
Nathan hams it up in every shot - he is way too fun to take pictures of.Nathan with the aforementioned baby giraffe... How sweet and innocent he looks, yet you can still see the stinker inside.
Zack and my friend Erie's daughter Tara. They love eachother a lot. It's adorable.
They look so grown up in this picture! I love it.

For my birthday I made some cupcakes and they turned out really cool. I'm kind of a dork, making cupcakes for my own birthday, but it was fun.

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