
Saturday, September 26, 2009


Zack will not start a conversation with someone unless they are giving him their complete and undivided attention. If there's any background noise, if we look at something else, if we take a bite of our supper, Zack will completely shut down and will not start or complete his story. Zack and Nathan were eating lunch, and I was cleaning up some dishes. Zack obviously wanted to tell Nathan something, but Nathan was having some of his juice when I heard (punctuated with intensely sad sounding sighs...), "Nathan, I wish you would stop drinking so you could listen to me. Please stop drinking."

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Nathan has been noticing and commenting on people's fashion. I never thought that he would stop being busy long enough to notice what people are wearing, nevermind actually saying something about it. On Tuesday at the church, Nathan saw my mom at Daybreak (mom's group), and he said to grandma, "THAT's a cute scarf!"

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Nathan is corporate America's dream child. He wants EVERYTHING that's advertised on TV. Everything from the slap chop to toys to cereal. He is currently obsessed with Cinnamon Toast Crunch. After seeing the ad for it, we were grocery shopping and Nathan convinced me to get some. The commercials for it are pretty fun, and I'm pretty sure that the only reason he eats it are because of the ads:
He remembers quotes from commercials and I can hear him saying them when he's playing by himself with his cars or dinosaurs...

Monday, September 21, 2009

New School Life

The start of Kindergarten for Zack has been the beginning of a new routine for us. After all of us have been sleeping in til 9 or 10 in the morning since the boys were born, it's been quite a change to get up at 7:30. Nobody really has any sympathy for that... And I don't blame them. :) But we are now fairly settled into our new schedule. Mondays, Wednesdays, and every second Friday are school days, and Tuesdays are Daybreak at the church. It works out well though - we leave the house at the same time for both school and Daybreak.

The boys are doing really well with the change... on the days that Zack goes to school... Zack loves Kindergarten so much, just as we figured he would. And Nathan LOVES being home all day with just me. He plays all day so quietly, and when he's not playing he's on my lap reading stories. On Zack's first day of school Nathan and I read the entire Munschworks treasury in one sitting! When the boys are together on Zack's days off, they clash quite a bit now... Nathan enjoys having free reign of the toys and my complete attention, and Zack enjoys being a "big kid" that goes to school and learns more. So Zack has gotten WAY more bossy because he thinks he knows everything, and Nathan doesn't want Zack to play with anything! Obviously we're still working on the co-operation...

Friday, September 11, 2009

The First Big Injury...

So guess which one of our boys went to the hospital for stitches today...

Oh wait, we don't have to guess. We all know it's Nathan.

We had just returned home from dropping Zack off at school when Nathan tripped and went headlong (more like face-long) into one of the front steps. He looked up at me and could barely cry - his entire mouth was full of blood and his bottom lip looked like hamburger. His top teeth were loose and his gums were bleeding, too. My poor boy. So I ran in and grabbed a buttload of paper towel and we were off to the hospital. I'm sure that once Nathan is an adult he'll probably have his own chair in the waiting room there... Buuuut anyway. It's amazing how fast the emerg people help you when you bring in a wailing and bleeding child! Once we were in the room, Nathan was wrapped up swaddle-style so that his arms were pinned and he stayed perfectly still while the doctor froze his lip and gave him three stitches. He didn't move a muscle the whole time, I was so proud of him. The nurses were great and gave him lots of stickers, so that made him pretty happy. I expected him to want to go home and lay down, but then he told me that he wanted to go show Zack his stitches. What can I say? At least the little guy bounces back.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

First Day

So this past week was the beginning of a new era in the Heinbuch household. Zack had his first day of Kindergarten. He's been wanting to go to school for so long, and his day finally arrived. He was elated the entire day, vibrating when I picked him up from all the excitement. Our little family is growing up. The picture below is of him in his new classroom.