
Thursday, August 13, 2009


Nathan has the CUTEST voice on the planet. I love to hear him talk. My favorite thing for him to say is "Mitsubishi" because he says, "Moo-soo-beee-sheeee." I've always asked him around other people, "Nathan, what kind of car does mommy drive?" just to get that answer. Well, as of Pete's birthday, he's changed that. We were out for supper with some friends that night, and I wanted Nathan to say it. And as most little children, he never wants to perform on command. He was being really silly and just saying random syllables all night, and when I asked him what kind of car we drive, his eyes lit up and he said, "Leaf!" We all laughed and he continued with being his silly little self. We expected this to be a passing moment of silliness, and we still ask him from time to time. But ever since that day, unless we catch him REALLY off guard, he grins his silly grin and says, "Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeaf!" and starts laughing hysterically.

1 comment:

Momma Dulock said...

I have witnessed the MOO SOO BEE SHEE in person and can attest to the fact that it may truly be one of the cutest things I have ever heard in my life! Love that kid!