
Monday, July 14, 2008

My little collection... Well, maybe not so little...

Somehow we started collecting Coke stuff (I really don't know how!), and we've started to get some really cool things from people! There's the plane made out of coke cans, a coke can lamp, and of course cans of coke featuring different designs. There's more to the collection than just what's in this picture, but this is the bulk of it in one spot. We've got vintage pictures and signs, framed postcards, even a little coke toolbox. The coolest part of our collection has to be the bottles and cans from our friends that have been travelling. If you look down at the bottom picture, you'll see (from left to right) a can from Beijing, a bottle from the UAE (middle east) in Arabic, a bottle from Mongolia, and a teeny-tiny can from the UAE. So if you're going anywhere cool, make sure you pick up a can or bottle for our collection!


Unknown said...

Very Cool!

Unknown said...

Did you see all the ones coming out for the Olympics?

Christy Heinbuch said...

Yeah, I've got all those already - Pete's sister is going to the states and bringing back the US olympic cans for me too! Yay!