
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

An awesome weekend!

We had a wonderful time this past weekend - lots of cool things to share! First, Pete got off of work early so we could drive down to Rocky Mountain House to visit Pete's family. His brother Dave came up on his motorcycle all the way from Wisconsin, so it was an exciting visit! Dave had seen Zack as a baby and had never met Nathan before, so it was great for the boys to bond with him. We had a great time, and Pete would tell you that the highlight of our time there was that mom made lasagne, Dave and Pete's favorite meal. I even got gluten-free lasagne, and it was fantastic! :) We left on Saturday night, and here is a pic of the boys only 7km down the road. They were exhausted.
Our next adventure started Sunday, when we were invited to one of Kyle's motocross races. As most of you know, Kyle is one of our neighbors, Pete's good friend, and the boys think Kyle is the coolest guy on the planet. Kyle is a pro motocross rider and he's going to be teaching the boys to ride starting next year. It was really exciting to watch him and the boys want to start dirt biking more than ever now! Nathan was busy trying to convince everyone there that he was old enough to race, dragging anyone he could to the bikes and quads so he could sit on them. The boys got such a thrill out of watching Kyle do the jumps and seeing his bike fly. We made signs before we left for the race, and the boys made sure to hold them up even during Kyle's practice laps. Most of the racers know Kyle, so they all couldn't help but smile at his little fans. Nathan was so cute holding up the signs - all you could see were his tiny legs and hands! We got to meet Kyle's family, one of his brothers is a quad racer (Nathan is sitting on his quad on the right) so we got to see his race too. I'd go again in a heartbeat - it was such a fun (but dusty!) day. We had an absolute blast!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That would be so fun! Glad the boys can get into it :) And yes, Naters looked cute with only hands and legs!