
Monday, May 28, 2012

May Flowers

So thankful that spring is done sprung-ing and our afternoons are spent outside.  We had two days of solid, perfect rain last week that made everything start growing!  I transplanted some raspberry plants from my grandma's yard and despite the weather this winter, there are leaves on them!  (I also transplanted a peony bush, but I'm thinking that one didn't make it...)  I've planted flowers in our big planter, and the boys' grade one trees are budding little baby branches.

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A while ago, Pete took me and the boys to see The Avengers in the theatre. After seeing it already (on opening night with Kyle, of course), Pete decided that it wasn't that scary and that the boys would love it. Well, it was fantastic - I have to say that I enjoyed that movie thoroughly. Not only was it clean (no swearing or sex) and not scary, it was super entertaining. There was one really tense "will he make it through the door before it closes and we'll never see him again" scene where the super hero narrowly makes it, and amid a quiet theatre everyone could hear Nathan say, "PHEW!!!" Zack loved it too, and he has been telling everyone who will listen about all the scenes he can remember.

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Pete has been working quite a bit already this season, and this year they have given him the responsibility of going on the road with a service truck.  This means taking a truck full of tools and parts out to jobsites to fix the equipment, or doing services like oil changes and air filters and all that jazz right on the spot.  Starting today he will be in Edson all week, but driving home each night.  He's not too happy about this transition, but with the nice post-graduation raise that he got, it's a little easier to handle.

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