With school starting just 2 weeks from today, the kids are still loving summer, and I find myself just longing for the routine again... Both boys will be in full-time school this year, and when asked if they're excited about school they just kinda shrug their shoulders and say, "I guess." They have loved their time together these last 2 months, but they need to spend some time apart...
We've really had a great summer. Huge contributing factors to our fun as just the 3 of us have been the summer passes we have to the Tri-Leisure centre, and our membership to the Telus World of Science that we got last Christmas. We have gone swimming pretty much every second day, which has been really nice! It's great to get out of the house and do something FUN that we've already paid for. At the end of July, the boys stayed with Grandma & Grandpa Heinbuch in Rocky Mountain House for a week of VBS and fun! Pete's mom took the boys to Drumheller for the day as well, and it's something the boys talk about regularly. My parents hosted the boys in their new downtown highrise condo for a few nights last week and the boys had lots of fun living in "Grandma's Hotel" as they call it! We've spent lots of time playing outside in the sunshine riding bikes, playing with the kiddie pool, water guns, water balloons, and the sprinkler (I think the kids like water). I have to say it's sort of disheartening for me when I've spent half an hour filling up water balloons and they're gone in 5 minutes, but it's so much fun so it balances out. :)
Over the past few weeks, it seems that the boys have grown out of so many things. They have gotten so big over the summer that we've had to give away the little playground climber/slide and the Power Wheels. The Power Wheels just strains under their weight and can't even move forward, poor thing! So I put a sign on it in the driveway (and kept the batteries inside the house) and 20 minutes later the doorbell rang and a mom with a little boy named Maddock got a sweet new ride.
The only sad part about all of this is that Pete has worked through the entirety of our summer fun. With one of their mechanics on medical leave with cancer, Pete and the shop foreman Bert have been the only ones fixing the equipment - and with Bert's other responsibilites, Pete is often the only mechanic on the shop floor. Sometimes many days pass before the boys see Daddy - Pete leaves for work before they wake up and comes home after they go to bed. It's actually surprising for Pete to come home somewhere near supper time. The overtime money has been good - with the shop closing for almost a month over Christmas/New Years, we've been able to save some money to pay for life during that time - but we would rather have Pete with us! I have no doubts that he is just exhausted both mentally and physically. He passes out the second his head hits the pillow.
With the back-to-school shopping almost done, I'm looking forward to spending these next two weeks savoring every moment of summer fun with my boys.
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