
Monday, October 26, 2009

Show & Tell

Last week Zack had his first show and tell for kindergarten. Every week they focus on a new letter of the alphabet, so their mission for show and tell is to bring something that starts with the letter of the week. The letter of the week was D. Zack thought and thought about what to bring, but he was sad when he realized that all the other kids would be bringing dogs, dolls, and dinosaurs - things that he didn't really like anyway. So we brainstormed together, and for show and tell Zack danced. I would have loved to see it. He made a sign that said, "Zack is dancing!" and he did a break dance for his class. He was so happy to have done something different and totally unique.

1 comment:

jz2 + faz + soleil = heart said...

cute cute cute and more cute...thats all i have to say...oh wait...CUTE!