
Friday, January 23, 2009


Allow me to be serious for a moment.

At daybreak (my mom's group at Beulah), I decided to take a study called "Lord, Change My Attitude." I would highly recommend it. It's pretty in-depth, but very amazing. The first week was very convicting, and made me so aware of things.

The first week session was about complaining. Complaining is expressing dissatisfaction with a circumstance that is not wrong, and about which we're doing nothing to correct. It was really eye-opening to read in the old testament what God felt and did about His people's complaining. The writer then talked about what we are telling God when we complain. It's so easy in amongst the goodness of life to get caught on one thing. When we complain about that one thing, we're telling God that He's not enough. We're telling God that although we have tremendous blessings from Him, He's not powerful enough to take care of it. God doesn't want His children to complain about their lot in life. "Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, 'It is well, it is well with my soul.'" That song went through my head a lot that week. God uses our hardship to perfect our souls, and when we complain about it, we're basically telling the Master of the universe that He's not doing His job. Ouch. So next time when we're thinking, "My life is ruined!" it might be time to thank God for what we do have. Which is SO much.

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