
Monday, November 10, 2008

My Artist

Zack has always been creative, and as he's getting older he is starting to draw what's in his mind. And it is amazing to see what he comes up with. This is the first thing he ever drew for me: a happy snail. Adorable!Zack is also very into writing. He loves making cards for people, drawing them rainbows and hearts on the front with their names inside. At thanksgiving while the other kids were playing, Zack was at the dining room table making cards for everyone there. He writes his name first and then writes the name of the recipient. He knows how to spell Zack, Nathan, Mommy, Daddy, and Heinbuch without asking how to spell it so he makes a LOT of things for us.

We love to watch a show called Mr. Maker that's on twice a week, and Mr. Maker has greatly inspired Zack to draw funny animals, monsters, and people. He decided to make some spiky monsters for us, and they are so great.

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