
Monday, September 15, 2008

When I Turn Five...

The boys are both very insistent that turning five will be the start of very exciting lives. Whenever the boys are told they're too small for something, they say that they'll do it when they turn 5.

Zack has said that he will do the following when he turns 5:
- Go to school
- Read (he won't read right now, he wants to wait til then)
- Race a motorcycle
- Drive the car/truck/any vehicle he sees

Nathan says that when he turns 5 he will:
- Be Optimus Prime
- Pour his own cereal/milk
- Go to school
- Race a motorcycle
- Play baseball, hockey, other sports

Whenever the boys see something cool, they tell me that they will do it when they turn five. Boy will Nathan be sad when he's only 4 and Zack gets to be 5! It sounds like all kinds of doors open up when you're that old!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Zack's Prayer

I had to write this down, it was both innocent and funny... We were praying for supper last night and Zack very sincerely prayed, "...and please protect our bodies and... *sigh* ...protect our penises..."

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Always running

Nathan has so much energy, some people get tired just from watching him. His favorite movie is Cars, but he doesn't just sit and watch it. He re-enacts the movie, and he's Lightning McQueen (the main car). He clears a path and runs as fast as possible around the coffee table "race track" for pretty much the entire movie, quoting most of the lines with the movie while running. He's the only kid I know that is covered in sweat just watching a movie. I remember one particular instance of his abounding energy when this spring I had to take him to the hospital. He had croup so bad he could barely breathe, and he was coughing so hard there was vomit everywhere. It was so bad that eventually I packed him up in his jammies and we went to emerg in Stony Plain. The other people waiting were watching Nathan with wonder -- this obviously very sick boy running as fast as he could, touching every button he could find, playing with the vending machines, turning the lights on and off, taking all the kleenexes out of the boxes, all while coughing terribly and trying to breathe. They all said something to the effect of, "Wow, he's got a lot of energy!" No kidding. You should see him when he's healthy!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

My boys

I realized that with all the excitement of being healed, eating new foods, and Pete going to school, I've neglected to talk about what Zack and Nathan are up to! Let's see... Zack's favorite things to do right now are:
- Ride bikes
- Play wii sports
- Write words and color
- Boss Nathan around
- Race - anything, anytime, anywhere. The only problem is that he HAS to win

Nathan's favorite things to do are:
- Play hockey in the driveway every day
- Ride bikes
- RUN, jump, and gallop at all times
- Play with his cars
- Make Zack mad
- Take apart everything that Zack puts together

The boys still love to play together - it's great watching them (especially when they're actually getting along) when they are pretending. I love that they love eachother.


Well, finally things are coming together with Pete's school! After re-registering him 3 times, he's finally going to start school on October 14th. He'll be there for 8 weeks, and then he'll be a second year apprentice when he goes back to work. Yay!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Slow Start

I'm definitely enjoying my new culinary freedoms - I've learned that I have to get my body used to all of this new stuff, so I'm slowly growing my gluten intake. Pete's parents came into town on Saturday and took me out for chinese and it was AMAZING! I'm not used to food with flavor so that's definitely the best part about this! I didn't realize how much I was really missing until I tasted the sauces and seasonings. Mmmmmm... Yummy!

I baked cookies for Pete today and didn't feel disgusting and sick afterwards! What a feeling.