
Monday, September 17, 2007

So so sad

Just as predicted, Pete got called out of town last weekend for a job in BC. I wasn't sure how well the boys would deal with it, but they started to act up on Thursday. Pete had been gone for 5 days, and I had to stop by his work to drop stuff off (I work there too, just from home). We drove into the parking lot, and there was Pete's truck. The boys were so excited - until we left without seeing daddy... I explained that daddy's truck was there but he was gone on a long trip and would be back soon. It was a sad drive. Amanda, aka "Auntie 'Manda", came over on Friday and Zack was sad. He looked up at her with tears in his eyes and said, "I lost my daddy". I cried. I told Pete on the phone and he cried. :( It was so so sad.


Anonymous said...

Ohhh, that is sad. I know how hard it is on kids and on the mom acting as both parents when the dad is gone. I pray Pete comes home soon and DOESN'T have to do such a long trip again!

jz2 + faz + soleil = heart said...

give zack and nathan a big hug from us...i'm sad that you're sad:(.that is one of the saddest stories i've heard in a long time...much love from us to all of you.