
Monday, June 25, 2012

Recent Savories...

I've been busy, and having fun, with lots of baking projects!  Between parties here and orders too, it's been crazy and awesome.   Here's some pics.

Ninjago "Ninjabread Men"
Lego Head Marshmallow Pops
Ninjago Cupcakes

Angry Birds Cake
Balloon Cookies

It's Aliiiiiive!!!

After the initial sadness that not all the plants I transplanted from my Grandma had survived the winter, what a surprise to find that now every single raspberry chute AND my white peonies are growing!  I'll put up pictures when they're more impressive-looking, they're a little tiny and pathetic right now...

The Next Day

Nathan is 7 years old now...  Hard to believe it, but it's true.  He is so excited about his birthday, and the party too!  But I think his favorite day has to be the day after the parties, when there's no one here and he gets to work on unpackaging and building all of his new toys.  Nathan is one of those kids that thoroughly enjoys every toy he gets, big or small, he cherishes it.