
Sunday, March 20, 2011

6 Going On 60

My Zack has always been old for his age; he doesn't like change, he thinks so differently from children his age. He seems to pull his thoughts and ideas from places in his mind that I didn't think kids posessed. Here are some examples from the past few weeks.

In the car. "Mommy, I've noticed that I'm so tired in the morning on the days I have school. I think I need to start going to bed earlier on those nights." So logical.

After I got my nose pierced (not a ring or anything - just a tiny little jewel stud). "Mommy, I hate to have to tell you this, but the earring in your nose just looks weird." He didn't want to hurt my feelings, but he just didn't like the change.

He also uses phrases like, "I'm sorry to say that..." and "Unfortunately, the problem was..." He ties in the emotion first, and then directly points out the issue.

Pete and the boys had "Man Supper" one night and Pete went and got them a grocery store pizza to bake at home. Zack didn't like it. Not because the pizza tasted bad or was overcooked or had too much crust, etc. It was because of the shape - the pizza was square. He couldn't stand the idea of eating a pizza that was not round. It was like he would be betraying all he held dear.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Go Team!

Nathan is extremely aware of our family's likes and dislikes. He loves to know when there is someone else in the family who likes/has the same thing as him, and his excitement about it increases when he is at the table for a meal. Every time someone has the same thing as him; everything from ketchup or the same color of bowl, he fist bumps the person across the table and says, "Go team!" If Pete and Nathan both have the same cereal in the morning, Nathan puts his fist across the table toward Pete and says, "Go team same cereal!" If Zack and I and Nathan all have black plates and Pete has a white one, Nathan fist bumps the two of us and says, "Go team black plates!" He loves to both encourage people and feel included, and it's an adorable way to do both.