
Monday, December 20, 2010

Nathan the Red-Nosed Reindeer!

Nathan had his Kindergarten Christmas party on Friday at school. They had face painting, and here he is as Rudolph. I almost didn't want to wash it off at bedtime. WAY too cute.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Nathan's Kindergarten Christmas Song!

Nathan's kindergarten class. They are singing about the candles on the advent wreath. Nathan's 2nd from the left on the top row. He knows I'm taping him!

Zack's Grade 1 Christmas Song!

Zack's class is the top row, and the special needs class is the bottom row. Zack is 7th from the left.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Another New Experience!

Our friends Chris and Brandi have horses, and the boys were dying to see them, and our schedules finally worked out a few weeks ago (just before it snowed!). So we spent Rememberance Day out at the farm and the boys got to ride horses for the first time.
Nathan wanted to be led around the whole time - he didn't want to bother with the reigns or anything, he just loved the ride. Zack, on the other hand, was eager to learn everything about controlling the horse and was able to ride all by himself. I didn't think Zack would like it as much as he did, but he rode for hours and just loved it. We can't wait to go back and ride again!

Anniversary Cookies!

I made these cookies for Pete on our anniversary and took them to his work just before his lunch break as a surprise.