
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Feeling Young AND Old

We've always known that God has been taking us down the road to becoming marriage counsellors. We've been sitting down with couples (mostly friends) and been doing light counselling for a couple of years now, and although we are really young, Pete and I have been through training and courses to become marriage mentors with the church. We felt really awkward at first, being 26 years old and at a marriage mentors meeting with mostly middle-aged and older couples, but they welcomed us with open arms and told us that we were supposed to be there. So over the past year, we've been training and reading and preparing. The marriage mentorship program is basically more experienced married couples coming alongside engaged and newly married couples to be examples, to pray for them, and to offer the wisdom of their experience. It's like pre-marital counselling but not with a pastor.

We got our first official mentorees this Monday. We hadn't met them before they sat down with us at our house. They originally seemed surprised at our age (they're in their thirties), but they soon were really comfortable with us. It all flowed so naturally, and it was a really exciting time. I've never felt so young and so old at the same time. It was a mix of both weird and fabulous.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

At Last!

We are (finally) proud to report that our little Nathan is in underwear all day now! It is so exciting, I've been jumping up and down! He just finally started realizing when he's peeing and pooping, so that's making our life SO much easier. I'm so proud of him!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Rhyme Time

I had to make sure I told this story...

I had the boys with me in the car and we were running errands. Zack and Nathan were each taking turns picking random words and then saying what rhymes with them. Most of the time the rhymes involved making up new words, and it was really funny. And then it got funnier. Well, Nathan suggested that Zack rhyme with "kittens" and Zack said, "I know what rhymes with KITT-ens! SHITT-ens!" I just about peed my pants.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Pete and I were watching TV when a super low-budget commercial came on for "Ferrari Driving School." The voice talked about all the vehicles they'll teach you how to drive, and the end of the commercial had the president of the driving school out in a parking lot talking. Pete and I laughed SO much when the caption appeared with the president's name, Mr. Pinto. How ironic.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Proud Mommy

Yesterday we had our friend Kyle over for supper, and my heart smiled so much at the love my boys have for Jesus...

As we sat down to eat, right before we prayed, Zack said to Kyle, "Kyle, I know something very sad."
"What is so sad, Zack?" Kyle asked.
"You don't know Jesus." Zack answered sadly.
"You're right, I don't." Said Kyle.
"He lives high in the sky..." Zack started slowly.
"Maybe that's why I don't know Him." Kyle said.
"But He lives in my heart." Zack finished.

Then later, as we were putting the boys to bed, Nathan wanted Kyle to pray for him. Kyle looked at Nathan and said, "But I don't know how."
Nathan quickly sat up in his bed, and said, "Here's your lesson. Fold your hands like this. Then say: Dear Jesus, play hockey, Amen. That's it!"
So I said to Nathan, "So you're telling Kyle that all he needs to do is say 'Dear Jesus' and whatever he's thinking about, and then say 'Amen'. Right?"
"Yep! That's the lesson."
So Kyle reluctantly said, "Okay Nathan, I'll pray for you... Dear Jesus, please protect Nathan while he sleeps. Amen."
"Thank you Kyle," Nathan said, "I love you."

I love that my kids aren't afraid to say what is so hard for adults to convey. Thank You God for teaching Kyle the simplicity of prayer through my little boy.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Birthday Weekend

It's amazing how many people have birthdays from April through July! In our household, it's 75% of us (he he). It's crazy how fast the birthdays come - it's three quick booms, Zack then Nathan then Pete! This weekend was Pete's birthday. He had his birthday off (they made the guys work Canada Day and then gave them friday off for a long weekend - good trade!) so he spent the whole day with his friend Chris tearing apart his car (literally - there's no front end left, body and engine parts) to get it ready for Pete to turbo-charge it and add other cool racing parts like an intercooler and straight-pipe exhaust and other grey-area-barely-legal parts to make it go faster. So after he spent the day doing what he loves, the 4 of us went out for supper at Red Robin (Zack and Nathan's favorite restaurant) with Chris and his fiancee Brandy, and Kyle. We had a fun time and we were determined to make Pete as embarrassed as possible (HE says that...) and the waitress was happy to oblige - even some of the cooking staff came out to sing to Pete! It was hilarious.

The next day, keeping with the theme of the day before, Chris took Pete to the Rocky Mountain National drag races where from 8:30am to 11:00pm they got to watch crazy cool vehicles and eat steak. A true man's day (mind you I wouldn't have minded going at all...).

Yesterday we spent the day together and went to my Grandpa's 80th birthday party at Kinsmen Park. We had a great time, and Pete even brought his unicycle. The hills were sooo steep though - I've got some painful video footage of him wiping out. After that we came home to put the boys to bed and have some friends over and eat some cake. A great end to a fun weekend!

On Father's Day weekend we got Pete a pretty cool present for both his birthday and Father's Day. And what does Pete like better than car parts. So we got him catback exhaust for the car (which is nice - he gets to put it on, and I get to drive it!) which was received with so much excitement that it was installed the day we picked it up.

So Happy Birthday to Pete, my amazing husband that I love more and more every day.