
Monday, March 24, 2008


We had just sat down to have supper, and as we started to eat our yummy food (or at least I thought it was good!), Zack makes a funny face and says to me, "Mommy, it smells like POOP in here!" Thanks, Zack. Thanks a lot. :(

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Nathan the crazy boy

Nathan is my crazy one. He is hilarious and cute and crazy and huggable. Tonight he really wanted to watch me play Guitar Hero while he gets to play with the second guitar. I told him to clean up if he wanted to play, so he was running and cleaning while chanting "tar-ho, tar-ho!" (guitar hero). He was cleaning and running so hard that he was sweating, so I took off his shirt. What a rock star - shirtless and rocking out with his guitar, dancing and spinning and trying to sing along. Love it.

Nathan's talking is so cute - he has such a baby face and is still learning to talk, so it makes him verrrrry easy to love! :) A few months ago, he used to say "la" instead of "yeah" which was adorable. He says "jeeeeee" for "please" and now he says "kank-oo" for "thank you" and I just can't get enough of the cuteness! Especially when Zack tries to teach Nathan how to say bigger words. Zack will break down the words for him and get him to repeat it. Example:

Z - Nathan, say spagetti.
N - Ummm... Ge. (Said like "get" without the T)
Z - No, no, no, Nathan. Say SPA.
N - Spa.
Z - Good, now say GET.
N - Ge.
Z - Now say TEE.
N - Teeeee!
Z - So, say spagetti.
N - Ge.
Z - NO Nathan! NO! SPA-GET-TEE. Say it.
N - Geeeeeee!
Z - Rrrrrrr!

So funny. And we all know that Nathan's probably capable of saying the entire word, he's just trying to make Zack mad. :)


Last week when it snowed again, Zack got up in the morning and I opened the curtains. He skipped into the kitchen with a smile. Then he looked outside, sighed a huge annoyed sigh, rolled his eyes, slumped his shoulders, and slowly plodded to the breakfast table... It's amazing how someone so little can have such huge attitude!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Recent shots...

We are finally together again! Yay! Now that our month of madness is over, we are so much happier being together. :)

The boys are growing and doing and pretending and loving and laughing more every day, and it's so wonderful to see how much they love eachother in that. At church they are in different classes, and after it's over they run up to eachother at full speed and hug. There is not a whole lot that's more heartwarming than that!
The boys love to learn more about everything they can. A few days ago, Grandpa came over for supper and we were telling them about his upcoming plane ride to San Diego. Nathan and Zack got so excited hearing about the planes, and Zack asked if we could go on the plane with Grandpa. I told him it would cost a lot of money. He asked how much and I pulled a number out of the air and said a thousand dollars. So now, Zack tells everyone he needs a thousand dollars for the plane. And Nathan says "aaaaaairPORT" a whole lot. When Grandpa had to leave after supper, Nathan cried so hard that he couldn't go to the airport too. He sat by the door and cried, "Plane too! Plane too!" It was sad and adorable. I would love to show him the planes someday.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Well, it's been quite a month! We are just getting back to "normal" (whatever that is!) from our month-long "extreme makeover" project on our friends' place. I'm finally catching up on a month of lost sleep, and it's feeling good to have a brain again! I was thinking about cute things the boys have been doing in the last while, and there are just so many... Zack is getting more bossy, Nathan more defiant, but just to eachother which is good. They were emotional but did so well during our big project. We left them with babysitters as often as possible, and they were superstars through the whole ordeal. :) We love them so much.