
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Erie and Tara

Zack and Nathan absolutely love when my friend Erie (we went to high school together and she was my maid of honor) and her daughter Tara come over. Zack just loves Tara - he loves to talk softly to her and stroke her face and make her smile. He plays peek-a-boo with her, and when she cries he is worried about her. He's being a big brother to her, too! We love to see them!

Isn't she the cutest ever??

Sunday, December 9, 2007

A kind heart

I've always known Zack to be a compassionate boy and a great big brother, and today was just another example of his kind heart and compassionate spirit. Pete told the boys that if they finished their lunch that they could have half a cookie. Well this was a big deal, so Zack finished as fast as he could (which is not usually his style!) and got his cookie. Nathan decided he didn't want to finish his food, so therefore no cookie was given to him. Nathan was soooo sad. He cried for a while saying "cookie, cookie, cookie!" but we made our rule. Zack saw all of this and broke his cookie in half and gave it to Nathan so he would be happy. Doesn't sound like a big deal, but Zack really treasured that cookie. He rarely gets one, so that was a huge gift that he gave to Nathan. He's growing up to be aware of others and their needs too. I just love it.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I realized that I really haven't posted lots of recent shots, so here's some random photos that are really cute. :)

Nathan, say cheese!!

Zack wanted his picture taken with Grandma! How cute is that?!?!

Nathan wasn't feeling well, so he was laying down, and he fell asleep on the couch one day while I was making supper. What a cutie.

Singing with Daddy!

In front of the Christmas Tree looking really cute!